Finished reading: This Wheel’s on Fire by Levon Helm 📚

It was a bit disappointing to learn that a “plant-based sports bar” had taken over and destroyed half of the Elliott Smith wall, but I wasn’t gonna let that prevent me from a photo op.

This picture was taken at the finish line of the 2012 Beaver Stadium Run, seconds after Franco Harris (right) had admonished me to “Finish strong, son!” The Penn State community lost a great ambassador today.

Thank you, Joe Brandon.

(Get yours here:

Perhaps one of the most important pages on all of Wikipedia: List of Sauces.

Twitter is rapidly moving away from “place I don’t want to spend as much time” and “place where I should not be publishing original thoughts” (as documented here) and towards “place I can’t really justify being a DAU.”

Christmas kitty.

Wishing a manageable Thanksgiving to those of us struggling with disordered eating.

You don’t need to “earn” your meal. You’re not “being bad” if you get another plate. And, what does or doesn’t go on your plate is nobody’s business or concern but your own.

I’m sure how good I feel today has nothing to do with doing morning yoga for three straight days. Probably entirely unrelated. Nothing we can observe or learn from here.

The tools, protocols and culture of the fediverse were built by trans and queer feminists. The culture and technical systems were deliberately designed on principles of consent, agency, and community safety. It’s hardly surprising that the sorts of people who have been targets for harrassment by fascist trolls for most of their lives built in protections against unwanted attention when they created a new social media toolchain. It is the very tools and settings that provide so much more agency to users that pundits claim make Mastodon “too complicated”.

Home Invasion

“Too complicated” for whom?

They don’t actually believe “arming teachers” or “hardening school perimeters” or “more mental health resources” are actionable or viable solutions. These talking points are just meant to suck the air out of the room so we don’t talk about what an actual solution might look like. ​ You don’t have to engage with these “solutions” as if they are being offered in good faith. They are not.

Currently reading: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman 📚

Once time is a resource to be used, you start to feel pressure to use it well, and to berate yourself when you feel you’ve wasted it. When you’re faced with too many demands, it’s easy to assume that the only answer must be to make better use of time, by becoming more efficient, driving yourself harder, or working for longer instead of asking whether the demands themselves might be unreasonable. 
 And it becomes a lot more intuitive to project your thoughts about your life into an imagined future, leaving you anxiously wondering if things will unfold as you want them to. Soon, your sense of self-worth gets completely bound up with how you’re using time: it stops being merely the water in which you swim and turns into something you feel you need to dominate or control, if you’re to avoid feeling guilty, panicked or overwhelmed.

I’m only through the first chapter but I can tell this is going to be a corker.

Currently reading: Work Won’t Love You Back by @sarahljaffe 📚

Good evening.

I do not usually get excited about ““delightful”” UI design but the snow flakes piling up on top of this window in Apple’s Weather app made me smile this morning.

Spotify Wrapped is a fascinating case study in how much we trust AIs to identify our tastes better than we can identify them ourselves.

I’ve been listening to to The Jordan Lake Sessions, Volumes 3 & 4 by The Mountain Goats a lot lately. These sets were recorded live in August of 2020, before the third wave of Covid-19 ravaged the United States, and are fabulous (as are Volumes 1 & 2, of course.)

On my last listen, I was struck by this reflection from John Darnielle after “Against Polution:”

There’s this thing, when you play a song and if it really goes someplace really cool during this horrifying pandemic, you go, “Man, what a pity it is that we can’t play that in a room full of people who are excited to be there and everybody feels safe and all that stuff!” I’ve been working a riff like this for half my life, but
 Basic things life safety, when you’re young, when you’re seventeen, and you hear somebody talking about safety, you go “Oh my god, you ancient person, you five thousand year old man, talking to me about safety. What do I care?” and then in a time like this you think, “You know what is awesome? You know what is truly spectacular? Like, really worth dwelling on? Safety.”

The young(er) king just got his first jab. Welled up a little as we were waiting, not gonna lie.

Citations Needed News Brief - Reconciliation Bill Negotiations: A Media Autopsy 🎧

These are human interest stories, right? Budgets are fucking human interest, but it’s never covered that way, it’s covered like a fucking receipt.

Nima Shirazi on the horse-race media coverage of the Build Back Better plan negotiations

One of the really intereting things about critiquing “right-clicker mentality” is that the ability to right-click and see how a site was built is how many of us learned to create for the web.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Vanity Fair:

I used to, frankly, abuse myself mentally about how I’m nothing. I realized that I need to choose myself because if I don’t, I’m just going to waste away. I’m just going to give up.

This one really landed for me.Â